20th September 2024

Search Great Casterton Parish Council

Great Casterton Parish Council Serving the people of Great Casterton

St. Peter and St. Paul, Great Casterton is one of the four churches in the group comprising Great Casterton, Little Casterton, Pickworth and Tickencote.

The Parish Church stands in what in Roman times was a protected zone between the ramparts and ditch on the N. and E. and the river on the S. and W. The church stands on the site of a Roman temple, on which an early Christian church was built; this was probably a wooden structure, but of it no trace remains.

The wooden structure was replaced by a Saxon church consisting of a small Chancel and an archless Nave. Saxon long and short work is still in evidence in the S.E. corner of the nave.

The Norman church consisted of a nave and two small aisles divided from the Nave by round, arched arcades resting on columns of stone with square bases. The nave was low with a flat wooden roof. The tower opened into the nave through a fine horseshoe arch. At the E. end was a wall pierced with a low round arch leading into a small oblong chancel, against the East end of which was the altar.

In the 13th Century an Early English chancel with lancet windows was built, while the round arch between the nave and chancel was raised to a point. Other changes followed: the aisles were lighted with windows with decorated tracery, and carried on their walls in rough distemper the story of the Incarnation. Above the Norman arcade was added a clerestory with decorated windows surmounted by an open roof of massive oak timbers. Across the chancel arch stretched a wooden loft carrying figures of Our Lord on the Cross with St Mary and St John on either side.

In the 15th century a clerestory was added. The font on a chamfered plinth may be late 12th/early 13th century.

The Reformation saw the destruction of many of the church's treasures.

In the 18th century the church was fitted with box pews of deal.

Considerable restoration work was carried out in the mid to late 20th century and wheelchair access was created in 2021.


The Rev Don McGarrigle 01572 812804/07802 401798 Email escapeenergy@btconnect.com

Details of all services in the group can be found below.

First Sunday
9.00am Holy Communion at Little Casterton
10.30am Holy Communion at Great Casterton

Second Sunday
10.30am Cafe Church in the Church Hall, Great Casterton

Third Sunday
9.00am Holy Communion at LIttle Casterton
10.30am Holy Communion at Great Casterton

Fourth Sunday
9.00am Holy Communon at Pickworth
10.30am Morning Praise at Great Casterton

Fifth Sunday
10.30am Benefice Service venue tba

10.00am Celtic Prayers in Church
10.30am Coffee Morning in Church Hall (Term times only)

10.00am Toddler Group in Church Hall (Term times only)

Last updated: Tue, 06 Sep 2022 12:29