20th September 2024

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Great Casterton Parish Council Serving the people of Great Casterton

September Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

Now that the Olympic games have finished a few weekends ago I imagine you have plenty of time to relax during the rest of the summer maybe even go on holiday before the new academic year starts. And just while we are talking about academic issues, I hope all A level students, GCSE students and their parents received the results they were expecting over the last few weeks. But if not, don't be disheartened, take some reassurance from those experts who define success as being 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. That's certainly the recipe employed by our athletes competing in Paris. Real success and achievement come through hard work, long hours of focused training and good mentoring.

The Olympics has been a wonderful spectacle of friendly competition but the thing that impressed me most about the games was the camaraderie between competitors of different traditions, languages even religions who supported one another in their achievements. And most of all the plethora of flag waving supporters mingling together as one community of friendship. It's what being human is all about. Living and celebrating in community.

But contrast that spirit of the Olympic with what's happening in Gaza, Ukraine or even the cities of the UK in the last month and we see two different worlds. One of peaceful co existence and one torn apart by violence and war. Which one do you want to be a part of?

It was reassuring to see the ordinary members of many communities in the UK taking to the street in peaceful protest with the clear message to rioters No violence here.

It just goes to show that most people of all races and creeds want to get along in harmony with their neighbours. It's organisations and regimes which have a different agenda. In many cases a power agenda.

Jesus reminded his disciples on a few occasions that if you want to be great in this world you must first be the servant of all. If some of our powerful world leaders took that advice on board what a more pleasant and peaceful place our world would be.

Lets hope and pray that the para Olympic games will restore in us a continuing sense of that excellent quality of good neighbourliness.

Have a great September and God bless.

Rev'd Don

Last updated: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 22:26